Many people may not be aware that there is a safe and effective system which can be longer lasting than more traditional facial fillers. While there are many procedures on the market to reduce excess fat and cellulite few offer a lasting and effective treatment. Facial fillers such as Restylane, Perlane, etc. are effective procedures to smooth and even out lines on the face. While they do have a lasting effect, they are far from permanent, and long lasting.
There is an autologous system that is safe and effective which can have the same effect, and can be permanent. It is called the Viafill System, and is naturally integrated into the system, and completely bio-compatible.
The Viafill autologous Fat Transfer system is a autologous. Which means a tissue is grafted into a new position on the body of the individual from which it was removed. The Viafill System takes fat from the thigh, hip or chest, and harvests or inserts the fat cells into the chin, nose, neck, jaw line, nasolabial folds, marionette lines, brow, upper eyelids, temples, lips, and fills and smooths these areas for the desired results. The Viafill System maximizes the number of live fat cells when they are transplanted, and minimizes the damage to the fat cells during the process of reinjection, and increases the potential for less fat re-absorbtion for longer lasting results.
The procedure takes under a hour, and local anesthesia is injected to the area which the Dr. harvests your fat cells, and you can leave the office when the procedure has been completed much like any injection.
The fat transfer system is a graft that may be permanent based on the number of live cells injected and the ability to establish a blood supply, and there is no need for re-injection much like facial fillers.
As with any surgical procedure, there is potential risk for infection, bleeding, and less than expected beneficial outcome. Because Viafill™ uses the patient’s own tissue, there are no allergic or foreign-body reactions to be concerned about. No skin testing is necessary. The only side effects that may occur are local injection site reactions common to any injection procedure.
If you wish to read further on the fat transfer system you can go to our web site page on the Viafill fat transfer system: