Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Vitamin C skin care?

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, vitamin C is crucial to the production of collagen, a valuable protein used all throughout the body, including the skin.


Now available at Orchid Aesthetics Medical Spa:

"Vitamin C HQ" : a serum containing stabilized form of Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Hydroquinone 4%. 



Collagen helps the skin maintain its elasticity, appearing firm and tight. As we age, collagen production slows and the skin becomes less elastic, creating wrinkles and sagging skin, but vitamin C supplementation can help guard against that. The vitamin can also help expedite the healing of wounds and injuries.

The forms of Vitamin C that are used in skin care are:
  •  ascorbic acid, 
  • L-ascorbic acid, 
  • tetrahexyldecyl ascorbate
  • ascorbyl palmitate, 
  • ascorbyl phosphate,
  • ascorbyl glucoside, 
  • retinyl ascorbate,
  •  ascorbyl stearate, 
  •  sodium ascorbyl phosphate, and magnesium ascorbyl phosphate. 
Ascorbic Acid is the entire Vitamin C molecule, the others are derivatives. Vitamin C Skin Care products should be a strength of 0.3 to 10% for optimal effectiveness.

How it gain its skincare fame…

Almost 20 years ago, a Duke University scholar published a ground-breaking paper that showed how a form of vitamin C called L-ascorbic acid reduced UVB damage when applied to the backs of hairless pigs. This evidence suggested that photodamage or “sun spots” could be repaired with topical use of vitamin C—and that was big news for anyone concerned with signs of aging! That original paper preceded an impressive and conclusive body of research that has since proven the benefits, stability issues, and usage requirements for vitamin C.

Why the consumer confusion…


As widely used as vitamin C is in cosmetics now, it can get confusing because there are many forms, each with its own name formulated in varying amounts. Here’s what you need to know:
  • The forms of vitamin C that are proven most stable and effective are: ascorbic acid, L-ascorbic acid, ascorbyl palmitate, sodium ascorbyl phosphate, retinyl ascorbate, tetrahexyldecyl ascorbate, and magnesium ascorbyl phosphate.
  • A proven range for vitamin C efficacy is between 0.3% and 10% with higher efficacy in Medical grade serums that contain mixture of Vit C, Vit E and Retinoic Acids.
  • All antioxidants, including vitamin C, are vulnerable to deterioration in the presence of air and light.

So what can vitamin C really do?


Here’s what a well-formulated product with vitamin C can do for your skin:
  • Protect skin cells and skin’s support structure from UV-related damage
  • Improve the appearance of sun-damaged skin
  • Strengthen skin’s barrier response
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Promote collagen production
  • Enhance effectiveness of peels and microdermabrasion
  • Lessen hyperpigmentation (at levels of 10%)
  • Boost the efficacy of sunscreen actives

Now You C It! 


From its humble beginnings to the countless studies and research that followed, vitamin C has definitely been shown to be a powerful antioxidant. “A significant body of scientific research supports the use of skin care products containing vitamin C. Cutaneous benefits include promoting collagen synthesis, photo-protection from ultraviolet A and B, lightening hyperpigmentation, and improvement of a variety of inflammatory dermatoses.” With the added bonus of carrying a low risk of sensitization, vitamin C is a proven, beneficial addition to your skin care regimen by improving skin texture, tone, lines and wrinkles.


Orchid  Aesthetics Anti-aging program is not limited to cosmetic procedures and injectables.
With Dr. Kerns skin care line a medical grade, prescription strength formulation, you can rest assured all your skin care needs are fulfilled.

Understanding the importance of Vitamin C formulations , Dr. Kerns skin care line is launching  New Vitamin C based products:

  •  Vitamin C HQ : a serum containing stabilized form of Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Ferulic acid and Hydroquinone 4%. A This potent serum nourishes, protects and hydrates the skin. Vitamin C and E are major antioxidants in the fight against aging.They protect the cells from free radical damage and have collagen stimulating properties. Japanese green tea extract will help diminish redness associated with aging skin. By stimulating collagen the skin is firmer, tighter and younger looking.

  •  Night cream Enhancer specifically formulated to penetrate deep into the dermis, contains 4% Hydroquinone, Vitamin C & E and lactic acid that gently exfoliates to lighten pigmented areas and correct uneven skin tone.


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

What is Skin Tightening?

Is a Non surgical procedure using light therapy to firm the skin and fight sagginess.

As shown below before and after skintight using the IR BBLs from Sciton courtesy of Orchid Aesthetics Medical Spa.

Depending on the light source, physicians can opt to use Radiofrequency or Infrared devices.

What is the difference ?

Radiofrequency uses heat that targets different skin layers from dermis to hypodermis, resulting in deep tissue heating. Heating of subcutaneous tissue initiates a mechanical stretch in the skin that induces the production of collagen, stimulates fibroblasts to increase collagen secretion and improves the elasticity of the skin, resulting in skin tightening! Bi-polar RF energy heats the dermis thereby strengthening tissue fibers and dermal collagen to improve skin laxity, sagginess and texture.  The CORE™ technology has an integrated skin cooling mechanism therefore the superficial layers of the skin (epidermis) are protected from the heat.

Infrared works by two major mechanisms, heat-induced collagen shrinkage and micro-thermal injury as well as dermal regeneration, repair and remodeling. Is ideal for targeting jowl and neck laxity, sagginess under the eyes, hands, and nasolabial folds. Using infrared technology, deep dermal heating induces neocollagenesis resulting in an increase in skin firmness. A series of four to six treatments produces a tighter, firmer appearance — without pain or invasive procedures.

What are the side effects?

There is no downtime with either technology as the cooling devise associated with the handpiece of RF or IR protects the epidermis( the superficial layer of skin) from heat and burns. After treatment most patients return to their daily routine with minimal precautions: apply sunscreen and moisturizer to the area.

What areas can be treated with Skintight Laser or RF?

The BBLs technology from Sciton, used at Orchid Aesthetics Medcial Spa, is safe for any skintype from Fitzpatrick I-VI. Results may be visible immediately but usually it takes 3 treatments for long lasting sustained results. You can have former skin with a younger look and feel of a mini non surgical Face lift.

Even though most popular areas treated with a skintight devices RF or IR, are the jowls, neck, hands, eyelids, belly button, any area of the body can be treated.

Four to Six treatments are recommended to achieve better results but depending on the severity and laxity of the skin complementary treatments like Dermal Fillers or Botox Cosmetic might be needed.

Is it uncomfortable?

The procedure is gentle, non-invasive and safe. Discomfort is typically minimal; however, this varies from patient to patient and depends on the depth of the treatment.  Most of the times there is no need for  topical anesthesia. Procedures can take from 20 minutes to 45 minutes depending on the area to be treated and on the degree of sagginess.

Other applications of Skintight Laser or RF

When combined with lipolysis skintightening is used for body recontouring and reshaping of the arms, abdomen, hips, chin, knees. The Reaction from Viora utilizes RF, Vacuum and massage rollers to treat Cellulite, Sagging skin and Recontour the body. The Lipo-sculpt from Sciton using IR technology utilizes two wave length to assist in lypolisis and skintightening of the area at the same time. The  result is body reshape and recountouring.

Orchid Aesthetics Medical Spa is studying these technologies to incorporate the best available for body reshape and recontouring into its practice.

Orchid Aesthetics Medical Spa to open a new Anti-aging center in Midtown Manhattan, will specialize in Cellulite treatment and body recontouring.

To assist in liposculpt lipotrophic B12 injections will also be available on case by case under direct physician guidance, together with private Yoga tone and sculpt sessions.

For more information about our new center read our press release @

Monday, September 10, 2012


A disease of Hyperpigmentation

What is Melasma?

A skin discoloration, patchy hyper pigmentation occurring especially on con-vexes areas of the face like forehead, cheeks, chin, upper lip,,,

Who gets Melasma?

Women more than men, while in their reproductive age period, if existing hormonal imbalances, ethnic predisposition in Fitzpatrick skin type III,IV,V( darker tones of skin).  It can occur during pregnancy in which case its termed "Cloasma". It is a "disease" of the very sensitive skin induced by exposure to SUN.

Are there stages of Melasma?

Melasma occurs in 2 stages epidermal and dermal-epidermal. Usually a period of time of 2 years or more of Melasma indicates a dermal spread of the melanocytes( the cells responsible for hyper pigmentation).  While initially Melanocytes populate most of the epidermis( the superficial layer of the skin), with time melanocytes and their secretory granules filled with melanin migrate across skin layers deeper and deeper until they populate the papillary dermis.

Why is this important?

The deeper the location and spread of melanin cells the more difficult to treat Melasma as none of the topical medications and or lasers penetrate into the deep dermis( with few exceptions, but incomplete). Therefore treatment of Melasma can be challenging for most experienced Dermatologists.

What happens with sun exposure?

Melanocytes, the cells secreting melanin, which are very sensitive to sun BURST and release their melanin content into the surrounding skin layers resulting in hyper pigmentation.

Treatment options

  • use UV protection at all times while outdoors( rain or shine)
  • controlled exfoliation of the skin under direct medical supervision
  • topical lightening creams under physician supervision
  • laser treatment like photofacials, non ablative lasers, fractional lasers

The most consistent UV protection is provided against daily UVA rays by physical agents(vs chemical agents). During summer or when in sunny areas added UVB protection is a must.

Ascorbic Acid( Vitamin C) is a natural UVA protector of the skin. UVA RAYS damage collagen, cause wrinkling, loss of elasticity and pigmentation. UVA are 50 times more prevalent than  UVB. UVB are stronger in the summer, cause sunburn and increase the risk of cancer.

Dr. Kerns skin care line features SPF 45 sophisticated sun protector, specifically formulated
as an all-in-one sunscreen, foundation and under-eye concealer with 4% TITANIUM DIOXIDE. Available at Orchid Aesthetics Medical Spa.

Controlled exfoliation with medical grade peels and Retinoic acid products along with physician strength prescription lightening creams, are the main-stem of treatment for Melasma.

Dr. Kerns skin care line offers a great combination of Vitamin C cream or serum, HQRA( combination of hydroquinone,  tretinol and hydro-cortisone) a prescription lightening cream scientifically proven to inhibit melaogenesis, limits melanosome transport, reduces photo-induced pigmentation.

Laser or light treatments ( photofacials) like BBL from Sciton address epidermal melasma and help the topical regimen to a faster resolution. A combination treatment is usually recommended for severe Melasma or after 3 months of physician supervised topical treatment.

email your concerns or questions to orchidaesthetics@yahoo.com

 Call for a consultation  with Dr. Kerns : 212-595-1958

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Laser for spider veins and Rosacea


Is laser beneficial in this field and how?



Laser can induce coagulation and homeostasis of benign vascular lesions like: port wine stains, hemangiomas,warts,teleangiectasia, rosacea, leg veins and spider veins.


Advantages of Laser in treating vascular lesions:

  • stronger absorption in oxyhemoglobin results in selective heating of veins
  • lower absorption in melanin results in safer use
  • the YAG laser 1064 nm can penetrate as deep as 8 mm into tissue

Vessels size

  • rosacea and port wine stains: 20-100 microns
  • teleangiectasia 100 microns to 1mm
  • venules 1mm-2mm
  • varicosity :greater than 2 mm

How the laser works:

  • heats the blood to above 70 Celsius
  • breaks down the vessel wall
  • shrink the vessel
  • when blood flow stops  the vessel wall dies within 72 hours
  • collagen surrounding the area contracts squeezing the vessel down

What should a our expectations be after laser treatment of vascular lesions?

  • requires 3 treatments on average
  • cannot treat vessels over 3 mm in diameter
  • downtime varies with location of the vascular lesion 
  • compression stockings must be worn for 5 -10 days after the procedure
  • no hot tube or exercise for 10 days
  • avoid suntanning for 1 week

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Spider veins : a word from the experts


More than 80 million people in the United States suffer from spider veins or varicose veins. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) estimates that 50% of women over 21 in the United States have spider veins.

Spider veins (Telangiectasias) are small, red, blue or purple superficial veins commonly appearing as thin lines on the thighs, legs and ankles. Spider veins occur in the general population much more commonly than varicose veins. In fact, most people who have spider veins do not have varicose veins.

However, once venous reflux occurs and varicose (bulging) veins form, the pressure in these veins leads to accelerated and often uncontrolled growth of spider vein clusters.
In the absence of venous reflux , spider veins occur spontaneously and independently due to the inherent weakness of the one-way valve system of the smaller veins of the legs. These veins subsequently dilate, expand and recruit even smaller network of thinner surface veins that are visible to the naked eye. This is why these dysfunctional smaller veins are also known as "feeder veins".
Spider veins usually take on one of three basic patterns: they may appear in a true spider shape with a group of veins radiating outward from a dark central point (A); they may be arbored and take branch-like shapes (B); or they appear as separate lines, each about the size of a large hair (C). Linear spider veins are commonly seen on the inner knee, whereas the arbored pattern often appears on the outer thigh in a sunburst or cartwheel distribution.

Some people are at greater risk for developing spider veins. These risk factors include:
  • Sex. Females in any age group are more likely than males to develop spider veins.
  • Genetic factors. Some people have veins with abnormally weak walls or valves. They may develop spider veins even without a rise in blood pressure in the superficial veins.
  • Pregnancy. A woman's total blood volume increases during pregnancy, which increases the blood pressure in the venous system. In addition, the hormonal changes of pregnancy cause the walls and valves in the veins to soften.
  • Using birth control pills.
  • Obesity. Excess body weight increases pressure on the veins.
  • Occupational factors. People whose jobs require standing or sitting for long periods of time without the opportunity to walk or move around are more likely to develop spider veins than people whose jobs allow more movement.

Sclerotherapy is considered the gold standard treatment for reticular (blue 1-3mm veins) and spider vein removal.

The purpose of sclerotherapy is to produce endothelial damage that results in permanent
endofibrosis and clinical obliteration of the vessel. The ideal sclerosant would have a
highly specific mechanism of action, would be free of adverse effects when used for this
purpose, and would not produce allergic reactions. Although many agents have been
used in treating varicose veins and telangiectasias.

Sodium tetradecyl sulphate
STS is a versatile sclerosant that can be effectively used for
the treatment of a wide range of varicose veins and telangiectasias. The essential concept
in using STS successfully is to use the appropriate concentration for the given vein
diameter. This will result in minimisation of adverse effects. Although STS has a
predictable and constant effect within the same caliber and type of vein at the same level
or area of the leg, there can be variation in sensitivity among patients.
Is contraindicated in previous hypersensitivity reactions to the drug; in acute superficial thrombophlebitis; valvular or deep vein incompetence; huge superficial veins with wide open communications to deeper veins; phlebitis migrans; acute cellulitis; allergic conditions; acute infections; varicosities caused by abdominal and pelvic tumors unless the tumor has been removed; bedridden patients; such uncontrolled systemic diseases as diabetes, toxic hyperthyroidism, tuberculosis, asthma, neoplasm, sepsis, blood dyscrasias and acute respiratory or skin diseases.

Dr. Roxana Kerns is a board certified anesthesiologist and a vein specialist doctor, with a long surgical operating room experience.
Dr. Roxana Kerns is an expert in sclerotherapy and cosmetic lasers treatments for spider veins.

Until a decade ago, compression therapy involving bandaging or wearing of compression stockings was the only option available to vein patients preferring a non-surgical solution to their vein problems. Although compression stockings offer some relief to patients with aching and heavy legs and are beneficial to those with existing blood clots in the deep and superficial veins, or in healing ulcers; these stockings can't eliminate varicose and spider veins, and do not cure chronic venous insufficiency, the underlying cause of vein disease, also known as venous reflux.

 Saphenous and perforator veins of the leg
 Sclerotherapy Spider Vein

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

After summer skin care

Hopefully we all enjoyed the warmth and joy of summer and if SUNSCREEN was our main worry through August now we have to heal Hyper-pigmentation, peel off few layers of wrinkled and dull skin and find a quiet nest to shelter for winter.

We would like to be that nest for you! 

Orchid Aesthetics Medical Spa and Anti-aging center conveniently located in Midtown Manhattan at 57 west 57 street, by Central Park, awaits you for all your skin care needs: from regular cleansing facials to acne treatments, hyper-pigmentation to laser hair removal ,from  non surgical injectables, fat transfer to total body sculpting.

Our new Anti-aging center is located in a pristine building by central park, easy access with two entrances from sixth avenue or 57 th street, close to all means of transportation not only you are in the Mecca of Manhattan but we promise and guarantee the best customer care and top of the line anti-aging treatments to suit all needs.

Its time to get ready for major Holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas : immerse in the tranquility of our spa and let us beautify you from the inside out.

  • Dr. Kerns skin care line added for your convenience products like Rejuvineck a quintessential peptide cream to lift and firm the skin of the neck or chest, repair sun damage and restore supple young skin. Rejuvineck contains a uniquely blended peptide complex that features “Tretinoin-like” activity to promote and enhance cellular regeneration, lightens and brightens skin to correct pigmentation and age spots.Other ingredients: Algae Extract, Barley Extract, Vitamin E, Sunflower Seed Oil, Wheat Germ Oil, Sweet Almond Oil.
  • Vitamin C serum has a highly concentrated Vitamin C and Vitamin E combined with green tea extracts, glycolic and lactic acid to combat free radicals, absorb toxins from your skin and restore vitality. Highly potent Vitamin anti-aging serum with a dual Trans-Epidermal Carrier delivers unparalleled results to combat and reverse signs of aging by increasing collagen production, providing anti-oxidant protection and treating hyper-pigmentation. Part of an Anti-Oxidant, Vitality facial offered at Orchid Aesthetics Medical Spa,. Vitamin C in high concentration works wonders for sun damaged skin, wrinkles or dull skin. Stimulates collagen and elastin production to firm and tighten the skin. Delivers gentle micro-exfoliation to help erase fine lines and wrinkles
  • Microdermabrasion scrub a mixture of powerful natural based microbeads to peel off unwanted pigmentation, fine wrinkles to a youthful, brighter and healthier skin, now available for your weekly home care in Dr. Kerns skin care. Resurfacing ingredients remove dead cells and debris from the skin’s surface, while granules smooth dull, dry skin to a fresh radiant finish.Other ingredients: sugar Cane Extract, Lemon Fruit Extract, Apple Fruit Extract, Green Tea Leaf Extract.Diminishes hyperpigmentation, improves skin tone, texture and elasticity by smoothing dull, dry skin with non-abrasive exfoliation from pumice granules, scavenges free radicals and protects skin cells from deterioration.
Its the best time to resume your laser treatments whether is hair removal, skintight for firmer skin, or IPL( photorejuvenation);

Our state-of-the-art anti -aging center located in Midtown Manhattan offers the best products selected one by one for their proven results by Dr. Kerns. We offer all natural organic skin care meant to correct the most stubborn problem of your skin and the most troublesome skin disorder from  acne to rosacea.