According to other studies on telomerase activation, telomerase:
- Lengthens Short Telomeres
- Repairs DNA Damage
- Rejuvenates Aging Immune Systems
- Increases Bone Density
- Improves Biomarkers that Decline with Age
Testimonial: Message from Ed Park, MD, MPH :
"After over four years of ingesting
TA-65, my health span continues to improve. I recommend TA-65 to
my family and friends without hesitation. My telomeres are now as
healthy as a teenagers!
Every day, your telomeres shorten and
your stem cells become more dysfunctional. You're growing older but for
the first time i history, you can fight the ravages of time with
telomerase activation.
About TA-65®
® is a proven telomerase activator* that was
discovered by California biotech company Geron, and licensed to T.A
Sciences. Our clients take TA-65 capsules in a 12 month program known as
the Patton Protocol. TA-65 turns on the hTERT gene* which activates the
enzyme telomerase which can lengthen your telomeres. We measure your
telomeres before, during and after completing the Protocol to show
actual changes in telomere length.
How is TA-65® made?
TA-65 is a naturally occurring single molecule found in the small
molecule from a medicinal plant. T.A. Sciences has developed a
proprietary process to refine and purify TA-65. Our process begins with
tons of plant material harvested from selected farms in one small region
in China. In our plant extraction facility, the raw small molecule from
a medicinal plant root is chopped up and refined. After initial
extraction, the base ingredient is further purified and then sent to an
outside government testing facility where it is tested for purity, heavy
metals, and pesticides. The product is then sent to a FDA certified,
state-of-the-art, laboratory for final purification that ends up with
90+% pure TA-65.
Why not simply buy a medicinal plant extract in a health food store?
Medicinal plant extracts can be found in most health food stores, but
such products contain little or no TA-65. We tested 4 commonly
available medicinal plant extracts and none of them contained any
measureable amounts of TA-65 (the test assay is accurate to one part per
million). Our proprietary production process starts with 3 tons of
plant material and ends up with capsules that we guarantee contain 5mg
of TA-65.