LIPS are the center of our beauty and from ancient times have been a major point of interest for beauticians, poets and artists of all nature.
We are not born with the same beauty traits when it comes to lips and in the aging process there are significant changes that obscure and diminish the beauty of the lips.
As we can see in the aging process the entire area around the upper and lower lips is wrinkled, lips have lost fat and have a much thinner look and almost no shape; lips are surrounded by sagging folds( nasolabial and marionette), the corners of the mouth are down-pointing, the chin is flat and the jaw line is enlarged.
Can we stop the aging process? or just slow it down?
Few procedures to consider in lip rejuvenation:
FAT TRANSFER in lip rejuvenation is technique dependent and the fat survival after transfer is the maintain of a successful procedure.
- Up to 40% of the transferred fat will not survive the transfer; most physicians opt to transfer an addtional 20% to 40% after full correction is achieved to deliver more fat cells for neovascularization.
- The transplanted fat cells must develop new sources of vascularization to have ongoing nourishing and maintain life.
- At Orchid Aesthetics Medical Spa and Anti-aging Center we specialize in Fat Transfer using the Viafill disposable kits: our procedures are minimally invasive, painless with little or no downtime depending on the required amount of fat to be transferred.
- Cost including anesthesia and follow up visits start at $1500
- Medical grade Glycolic 30% can prevent wrinkles around the mouth to form or deepen or stronger peels like the TCA( triclor acetic)or VI Peel 15%can correct moderate degree of wrinkling around the mouth. Peels must be applied to the wrinkled area every 3-4 weeks for up to 6 treatments with a minimum of 3 for adequate results.
- Costs start at $149 to $450
DERMAL-FILLERS are being used in lip rejuvenation to sustain the corners of the mouth , confer volume to lips or fill in Botox resistant vertical wrinkles around the lip area. Cost for the procedure starts at $350.
BOTOX COSMETIC wil relax the "smoker lines", wrinkles caused by the contraction of orbicularis muscles, or lift corners of the mouth by relaxing the depressor angulis oris. Costs start at $250
ACUPUNCTURE is a beautiful natural technique that complements any other preventative or restorative treatment for the lips by plumping up natural collagen, preventing sagging of the skin, providing stress relief though total body relaxation, promotes better sleep and regulates hormonal imbalances. Works by successive sessions twice a week or weekly for up to 10 sessions minimum of 6. Cost for a package of 6 is $675, and for a package of 10 is $1095( plus you get an additional session for free).
SKIN CARE even though not the center of lip rejuvenation it is mandatory to complement any treatment by providing hydration to lips and surrounding skin; Nourishing the epidermis and dermis of the "white" lip can prevent wrinkles and sagging of the supporting elements of the lips. skin care is often ignored by the busy New Yorker who prefers quick intense treatments versus longstanding day to day preventative measures. Preventing in the anti-aging battle is the maintain of any treatment: slowing down the aging process and delaying factors like wrinkles, sagging, large pores, volume shrinkage. Restoring beauty and youth , once lost is possible even though not successful all the time, but requires much more expensive and invasive techniques( surgeries).
Dr. Kerns skin care line is natural, medical strength formula.
High concentration of Vit C, peptides, growth factors, stem cells can and will only be present in a prescription strength physician supervised formulation. Since better skin means better health, a physician embedded program is meant to work at cellular depth to deliver vitality.