Thursday, January 15, 2015

Winter Skin Care All inclusive tips from Dr. Kerns

You are ready for an all inclusive winter vacation but is your skin ready as well? Weather changes can resurface skin problems like acne, psoriasis, rosacea, eczemas just to mention a few.
A skiing vacation offers an amazing environment  between the sunny mountains and the hot tubs and apres ski cocktails. The sun exposure and UVA, UVB rays are though intensified due to 100% snow reflection and SUN SCREEN is a must have, must wear on a skiing vacation.  The winds in the chair or up hill are relatively harsh and dry the skin worsening symptoms of rosacea, eczema, psoriasis. Added moisturizers and Hyaluronic acid products will replenish the moisture of your skin which is a natural protectant of the skin. Vitamin C creams like Radiant C cream made of 4 different scientifically tested vitamin C will not only moisturize your skin but also protect agains UVA premature sun damage, and treat any preexisting pigmentation of the skin. Replenish your overall vitamin level with supplements rich in Selenium, Cobalt, Magnesium, Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Vitamin B1,B6, B12.
Use mild cleansers if possible with no harsh chemicals like Thalgo Marine Cleanser all natural based on algae purifiants available at Orchid Aesthetics Medical Spa. Avoid harsh microdermabrasion salts either at home or professional usage or exfoliate rarely with gentle  chemical peels like Mandlelic acid or Glycolic acids. Immediately after your exfoliation session which should not be more often than every 6 weeks in winter, apply a moisturizing mask like Thalgo Terr and Merr 100% natural and organic from algae.
Avoid direct contact of your face with hot tub’s water or swimming pools with added chemicals . Only immerse your feet and body not to exceed 10-15 minutes at a time. The hot tubs and swimming pools contain harsh chemicals that will sensitize your skin to winds, cold weather or additional sun exposure. Always rinse your face and body with fresh water  after a hot tub experience. Cold or room temperature water is beneficial to your skin also a cold marine mask and should be part of your winter skin care all inclusive vacation.
Don’t forget your hands they need additional protection from dry, cold windy weather so besides your winter gloves, make sure to avoid direct prolonged contact with any chemicals( avoid hand washing, dish washing, etc..). Always have a hand moisturizing cream handy wherever you go: NOW YOU ARE READY for an all inclusive vacation!
Any further questions, ask our doctor: 212-595-1958

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